This year was pretty much the first year that we celebrated Halloween with Ashton. We dressed him up last year and walked around Downtown Disney (basically so he could wear his costume in a public place) but we didn't do any pumpkin carving or trick-or-treating. This year we did it all, and had tons of fun.
Getting ready to carve his pumpkin that he picked out at Riley's Farm.
Sketching out his design.

The finished product.

Fraley pumpkins on display.

I think I like Ashton's the best! (right)

This year we decided he would dress up as our little Monkey. That's what Chuck and I like to call him, plus he LOVES bananas. His recent first word was "Na-nuh"

Getting ready to go trick-or-treating with our friends (and neighbors) the Deguzman family.

The kid still hates hats!

Showing mom his "loot."

Examining the goods.

I loved the tail.

mmmmm chocolate!

Ashton, Nathan and Dalisay enjoying some candy.